
thoughts on being human

As therapists we hold space, we listen, we resonate. 
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therapy, feelings, relationships Kindman & Co. therapy, feelings, relationships Kindman & Co.

On What to Talk about in Therapy When You’re Doing Okay

When everything is a disaster, it’s easy to figure out what you should talk about in therapy. Conflict, sadness, anxiety, relationship problems, friendship problems, parent stuff, body image, identity, etc. etc. Pleeeenty of content for a 50 minute session. It's those moments when things are actually going well, when just before your session you think: “What am I going to talk about today?” Click here for 5 topics to explore when it feels like things are going well and you’ve got nothing to talk about.

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self-care, hope, therapy Kindman & Co. self-care, hope, therapy Kindman & Co.

On Highly Sensitive People & Overcoming Feeling Misunderstood

Have you been told that you’re “too sensitive,” “too emotional,” or “too easily overwhelmed?” Do you regularly find yourself feeling misunderstood? I know I have! Many of us don’t understand that fifteen to twenty percent of humans actually have different neurobiology and sensory processing capabilities that make us feel more.

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